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IP 6: A Potential Key to Cancer Management

Inositol hexaphosphate, or IP-6, an antioxidant commonly present in high-fiber foods, could potentially hold the answer to controlling and managing several types of cancer. This naturally occurring compound, found in abundance in whole grain rice and bran, may have the power to slow down cancer cell production. It works by hindering critical pathways involved in cancer progression such as mTor and P13K-Akt, while simultaneously robbing cancer cells of the vital iron they need for growth.

IP-6 & Its Impact on Cancer

Research has shown that IP-6 might be able to significantly enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy, while also alleviating its associated side effects. Several studies, including one from Queen Mary University of London, revealed that IP-6 could potentially 'starve' cancer cells of the essential iron they require for survival and growth. Simultaneously, it can promote the power of certain genes known for inhibiting cancer, including p21 and p53, leading to decreased cancer proliferation.

The Promise of IP-6 in Prostate Cancer

In a 2010 study led by Dr. Mallikarjuna Gu at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, IP-6 was shown to block P13K-Akt, a crucial cancer pathway, in both lab-based tests and animal models suffering from prostate cancer. The study supports previous research suggesting that people consuming a high fiber diet rich in inositol, a B vitamin found in the same foods as IP-6, tend to have a lower incidence of cancer. The most promising results were seen when both inositol and IP-6 were used concurrently.

The Role of IP-6 in Colorectal Cancer

The first recorded evidence of IP-6's association with colon cancer dates back over three decades. Researchers have found that diets high in IP-6 levels correlate with decreased colon cancer instances. IP-6, in combination with inositol, has shown potential to normalize cancer cells and curb their proliferation in colorectal cancer.

IP-6: Slowing Cancer Progression

WebMD, a pharmaceutical company-affiliated website, suggests that IP-6 could potentially slow cancer cell production and bind to specific minerals, thereby decreasing colorectal cancer risk. Researchers have also discovered that IP-6 continues to exhibit its anti-cancer effects even in cells where the p53 gene is deficient, which is the case in approximately 50% of all cancer cells.

IP-6 and Chemotherapy: A Beneficial Synergy

Several early studies have indicated that IP-6 might enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy against cancer cells. Furthermore, IP-6 has shown to be beneficial in breast cancer treatment, enhancing the effects of Adriamycin and Tamoxifen, and has even shown promise as a standalone treatment for inhibiting cancer progression.

IP-6: A Potential Ally Against Liver Cancer

In the mid-1990s, researchers at Maryland University found that IP-6 could halt the growth of liver cancer cells. Subsequent studies showed that IP-6 could reduce tumor size by a minimum of 86% and block the formation of liver cancer entirely. The compound also significantly increases the levels of glutathione transferase, an enzyme known for its cancer-inhibiting properties.

Beyond Cancer: The Other Benefits of IP-6

Along with its promising role in cancer management, IP-6 has shown potential in managing cholesterol levels and regulating insulin and leptin levels. These functions make it a promising ally in managing conditions like diabetes and prediabetes. Furthermore, it's been shown to decrease free-radical levels in the blood, contributing to overall health.

Dosage & Supplementation

IP-6 supplements, when combined with inositol, can be taken as an alternative therapy or to complement chemotherapy treatments. The recommended dosage is 800 mg, two or three times a day. There have been no reported negative interactions with other medications.

In Conclusion

Research continues to underline the potential of IP-6 in slowing down the progression of various cancers. While it's found naturally in high-fiber foods like pulses, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, supplementation may be a practical approach to ensure sufficient intake.


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9. IP-6 can starve brain cancers

10. IP-6 and Colorectal cancer Molecules, 2020 Dec 15, 25(24), 5931; Ivana Vucenik et al.

11. IP-6 in treatment of liver cancer - Anti-Cancer Res, Nov-Dec 1998, 18 6A.

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