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"Knowing all your treatment options could be life-saving!"

Unfortunately, many influential players and decision-makers seem intent on hiding the fact that cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease.

Unfortunately, many influential players and decision-makers seem intent on hiding the fact that cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease.

By understanding that cancer cells feed on glucose and glutamine, we can see how restricting these—especially glucose—has the potential to drastically alter the development, propagation, and multiplication of cancer cells.

Let’s open our eyes to the game-changing research of Prof. Dr. Thomas Seyfried, which I believe is truly worthy of a Nobel Prize.

Keywords to know:

metabolic cancer approach

metabolic approach

alternative cancer treatments

the mitochondrial-stem cell connection

ketone metabolic therapy

cancer starving diet

cancer treatments

metabolic health

cancer metabolism


repurposed drugs

drug repurposing

integrated cancer treatments

integrated cancer modalities

cancer stem cells

fasting and interment fasting for cancer

Beat Cancer Foundation


















Together, we can beat cancer

Thank you for your interest in the Beat Cancer Foundation. We are here to support you every step of the way in your cancer treatment journey. Please fill out the form below, and our team will be in touch with you shortly. Together, we can beat cancer. (307) 291-0991

“Knowing all your treatment options could be life-saving!”